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AFC is a part of the 22 Freshman Leadership Organizations (FLOs) are unique to Texas A&M. These organizations allow freshmen to jump into college life and participate in social and service opportunities in order to grow as leaders and embrace the Aggie spirit. Aggie Fish Club is proud to be associated with a Freshman Leadership Advisory Council (FLAC), where we have joined together with 15 other Freshman Leadership Organizations on campus and vowed to remain unified in the common goal of freshmen leadership.  We HIGHLY encourage you to apply for more than one FLO because the competition is very tough, and there are no guarantees. All of us have many commonalities, but we each approach freshmen leadership in our own ways.


  • Independently Operated

    • AFC is housed under the Student Activities department at Texas A&M. This position allows us to be very much in control of the actions and direction of our organization. Many groups report back to a large chain of command such as a specific department or the MSC, hindering the decisions of the membership. We greatly appreciate our position in the university, because it allows the 5 directors to oversee all of the activities that happens in AFC.

  • Complete Control to Freshmen

    • Although AFC is directed by a staff of 19 upper-classmen, we have taken the philosophy of chain command and turned it upside down. You, the freshmen, are the ones with the authority of how you want to shape the year. People continoulsy talk about how every year AFC is different, and it’s because there is a different group of personality every year. There are several projects we believe are essential to leadership development that stay year after year, but besides that, all projects are all freshman-initiated.

  • No Specific Mold

    • AFC truly has no mold when it comes to its members. We simply try to replicate the environment FIsh Camp sets but a year long. Aggies with different majors, beliefs, and backgrounds, all come together and build a family-like environment and strong relationships which is extraordinary. To be in AFC, you are not subjected to a specific level of criteria/standards. All we require is that you be a freshman at Texas A&M University and be yoursef. One of the most exciting parts of our organization is that you get to interact with people that you never would have considered talking to in high school, but your common bond now is that you're both Aggies, and you are both willing to grow and develop as a person throughout the year. It’s not an issue to us whether you are on- or off-campus, or if you have ever been involved in leadership roles before.

  • Highly Dedicated Former Members

    • The largest statement of how much our organization works is by seeing how much it means to our former members, or “Ol’ Army AFC”. Every year we have a reunion, bringing back all members of AFC, all the way back to the class of 1992. They will all tell you that it has changed their life. Friends that they met here became their roommates and at times their husband or wife! The leadership they gained not only applied to other organizations on campus but also out in the real world!

  • Substance Policy

    • AFC’s substance policy states that no two members can use or be in the presence of alcohol or illegal substances at the same time. The AFC policy eliminates the risk of cliques forming between drinkers and non-drinkers and promotes genuine and meaningful relationships and memories throughout the course of the eventful year in AFC. However, we do not care what you do outside of an AFC environment at any given moment unless it thretens the integrity of this organization.


AFC is comprised of our perfect 56 freshmen, 14 sophomore counselors, and our 5 directors. Everyone on staff was once a freshman in AFC. Throughout the year we do many, many things together as a group, allowing you to get to know everyone in the organization. To break it down into a smaller scale, we also have committees and buddy huddles. Each of these consist of two counselors and eight freshmen.


Each committee in AFC handles a specific area of the organization for the whole year. Through these committees, you gain valuable leadership skills by creating projects that are entirely your own. Our committees include Fundraising, Public Relations, Service, Special Activities, Ol’ Army Relations, Development and Outreach, and Internal Affairs. These groups meet once a week, plan several events, and help other committees when needed. Also, they often have hangouts during the week, and go on a road trip. Please see our Committees page to learn more about the individual committees.


Dues for AFC are generally $100 a semester. Every penny of that money comes back to you in some way through T-shirts, retreats or other events.


Basically these are our social groups within AFC. There are all kinds of activities that all of AFC participates in, but Buddy Huddles allows you to focus on a smaller group. Led by two counselors, each buddy huddle is comprised of eight freshmen and represented by a color. The main goal of these groups is just to have a great time. Activities range from sightseeing in and outside of Bryan/College Station, road trips to the hot spots around Texas, or even just something as simple as a weekly dinner. But the best thing is that it gives you a small group of friends to turn to whenever you need anything.


AFC has two mandatory meetings every week. One is the AFC meeting, which is at 7:00 on Wednesday nights. The other meeting is your committee meeting which is either on Sunday or Monday night depending on what works for you and the rest of your committee. Other than those two meetings, AFC’s time commitment is completely up to you. AFC has many events and hang-outs planned every week, but you do not have to go to everything to still have an amazing year in AFC.


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