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Aggie Fish Club's Philanthropies


As the only FLO on campus to serve two philanthropies, we proudly fundraise throughout the year to ensure the success and wellbeing of each individual impacted by these important organizations.


Our first philanthropy, Phoebe's Home, acts as a safe home for battered women and children in the surrounding Bryan/College Station area. Next, New Horizons is a safe haven for abused children that provides counseling and specialized treatment. Children come to new horizons to live and be cared for by a nurturing staff, safe from any harm. We currently serve as New Horizons' only donor, so all donations to this philanthropy are greatly appreciated!


We raise money for these philanthropies through numerous events throughout the year, the biggest event being our newly started Spikeball tournament. All funds donated go to Aggie Fish Club and we will donate the exact equivalent of all contributions directly to our philanthropies. We are proud to serve these two meaningful causes. Non-monetary donations will be distributed through either a raffle or a silent auction. All the money raised for our spikeball tournament, whether from monetary donations, entry fees for the tournament, or money from the raffles, goes toward our two philanthropies.



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